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Data Privacy Consent & Disclaimer

Privacy Consent

Humanica Public Company Limited including it's subsidiaries and affiliates (“Company”) requests to collect, use, process or disclose personal data about you, in order to proceed according to the purposes as specified in this form. Note that the Company is committed to protecting the privacy of its employees. Therefore, the proper safeguarding of all personal data of the employees (i.e., personal information by which you can be identified) collected in the course of the Company’s day-to-day activities are treated as high priority, with the necessary processes and systems in place to support this assurance. The Company adheres to the principles of all applicable laws and regulations relating to data privacy (e.g., Thailand’s Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2562 (2019) and General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)) to ensure that all personal data are properly collected, processed and disclosed according to the laws, only for the purposes for which it was collected, and disposed of in a safe and timely manner when no longer needed.

By using this website and its applicantions, you agree to the following.
  - The Company, as the data controller, has obtained your consent, as the data subject, to collect, process and disclose your personal data for the following purposes:
  •  for consideration of job application;
  •  for checking the identity of the job applicant;
  •  for health record of the job applicant;
  •  for considering the job applicant on the employment;
  •  for considering wages, benefits and welfare;
  •  for maintaining job application records;
  •  for survey of job applicant data;
  •  for the development of operational efficiency
and the business of the Company;
  •  for compliance with legal and contractual obligations;
  •  for other purposes relating to human resource matters.

(hereinafter referred to as the “Purposes”).

 - You are entirely in control of your decision to give consent to the Company’s collection, process and disclosure of your personal data as requested in this form. There will be no repercussions if you choose to withhold consent. However, without some data, the Company may not be able to proceed certain issues, such as, your suitability for employment,or comply with the law.

Agreement to use your personal data

 - You hereby give consent to Humanica Public Company Limited including its subsidiaries and affiliates to collect, process and disclose my personal data relating to your employment as detailed above.

In giving this consent,

 - You understand that you can ask to see this data to check it's accuracy at any time during normal working days and hours of the Company via Phone and Email.

 - You understand that you can ask for a copy of the personal data held by the Company at any time, and that this request is free of charge.

  - You understand that you can request that data that is no longer necessary for the Company can be removed from my file and destroyed.

 - You understand that if you are unsuccessful with job application, your data may be kept for future processes or as long as your have not requested for data removal.


By using this website and its applications you certify you have agreed to the above statement.